داستان آبیدیک

rush through

ɹʌʃ θɹu


1 general:: Phrase(s): rush something through (something) 1. Lit. to pass something through a physical area rapidly. • He rushed the ambulance through the gate to the stadium. • Strong blowers rushed many cubic feet of air through the ductwork into all the rooms. 2. Fig. to move something through some process or office in a hurry. • He was in a hurry so we rushed his order through the shipping department. • He asked us to rush it through., Phrase(s): rush through something to hurry to get something finished; to race through something. • Please don’t rush through this business. Get it right. • Timmy rushed through dinner so he could go out and play.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

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